Why Choosing Helios Solar?

We propose an All-In Package to our Customers, in order to reach the most efficient and sustainable energy systems.

Nowadays, the alternative energy has become the only way to protect our planet for the future.

With our experienced Team of experts we do guarantee a serious and professional work. We believe in the importance of good medium and long term relationships with our clients, based on trust and high quality service. We are basically aiming for a win-win model.

Advantages of working with us

The guarantee of an important annual saving. With the installation of solar panels, you can SAVE of up to 40% on your electricity bill.

A complete installation with components of the highest quality and fully guaranteed. We can offer from smaller economical projects to top of the range installations with high quality materials of European manufacture, depending on the budget and preference of the client.

Legal and Administrative Procedures: Our engineers will carry out all the paperwork for administration and legalization, including the project certification with “Industria”, IVACE and will also do the necessary to obtain grants at a local level.

An upgrade of your property. The investment in solar energy increases the market value of your property and makes it more environment-friendly.

We prepare our quotes in two steps:

In a first stage, we make an estimate based on a study of the energy consumption from the latest electricity bill of the client.

In a second phase, we make a visit to the property with the solar expert to evaluate and calculate the exact needs and details of the installation. This allows us to set up a firm and binding quote.


We do investigate all existing grants available for each individual case.

Current local grants from the Ayuntamiento (local government).

Subsidies proposed by the Comunidad Valenciana (regional government): Up to 40% of the total cost of the photovoltaic installation.

Possible future national grants or subsidies from the European Union

Each installation and every single project have their own unique personality, on which we have to work together. We go beyond an installation or a service.

We also offer a monitoring service where we orientate our customers to optimize energy consumption habits in order to save costs, be more efficient and also more respectful to our environment.

We speak 7 languages

Spanish · Valenciano · English · French · Dutch · German · Mandarin Chinese


El Poble Nou de Benitatxell
03726 Alicante


+34 606 428 264